Prayer Request

Prayer Request

We want to PRAY for YOU! We want to intercede.

Praying for others—and this applies to prayer in general—is an easy thing to question. Why should we pray if God already has our best interests at heart? He is wiser than we are, by a long shot. Why does He need us to pray? Wouldn’t it be better to just trust Him to do what’s best? It’s true that God is wiser than we are (1 Corinthians 1:25) and that we should trust Him (Proverbs 3:5–6). And it’s for those very reasons that we need to pray, because praying for ourselves and praying for others is something God commands us to do.

Praying for others is recommended as a source of healing (James 5:16) along with confession. James tells us that “the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

We want to pray for you even if you are not a member of our (local) church because we want you to be a member of the (universal) church. Please submit your prayer request using the form below. We will reach out to you if you desire.